Dissabte, 27 de juliol de 2024    



Menorca General Information

Pratical informations

Menorca Photo Album

Menorca history


Menorca Beaches

Mahon / Mao city

Ciutadella city

Other cities

Menorca hotels

Getting there Menorca airport

Markets in Menorca


Festivities in Menorca


Menorca island history

Year 534 British kingdom conquests Menorca.

Year 902 Menorca is annexed at the Califato de Cordoba.

Year 1087 Menorca is part of the independent Muslim kingdom.

Year 1203 Menorca is the property of the Almohades dinasty.

Year 1287 Alfonso III king of Catalña conquist Menorca island and expulses the muslims. At this time began the bases of the actual menorcan society.

Year 1293 Menorca is part of Mallorca kingdom.

Year 1535 Mao was plundered by Barbarroja.

Year 1554 Construction of San Felipe castle.

Year 1558 Ciutadella was plundered by the turkish.

Year 1712 Utrecht treaty - Start of the first British domination.

Year 1756 French conquisted the island.

Year 1763 Second British domination.

Year 1781 Menorca returned to the Spanish kingdom.

Year 1798 Thirf British domination.

Year 1802 Amiens treaty - Menorca returned to the Spanish kingdom.

Year 1953 First charter flights from London.

Year 1979 Construction of the "Consell Insular de Menorca".

Year 1983 Approval of the autonomous status of the island.

Year 1993 Menorca xas given the distinction of "Reserve of Biosphere".