Dissabte, 27 de juliol de 2024    



Menorca General Information

Pratical informations

Menorca Photo Album

Menorca history


Menorca Beaches

Mahon / Mao city

Ciutadella city

Other cities

Menorca hotels

Getting there Menorca airport

Markets in Menorca


Festivities in Menorca


Mahon City - Mao

Mahon is the capital of the island with 29 040 inhabitants. The city still remain a colonia feel due to the pas british occupation. The name of the city came from the general Magon, Anibal's brother.

Mahon is one of the most picturesque city of the mediterranean area.

Places of interest of the city are, the old town, Santa Maria gothic church, bridge of San roque, the museum of Hernandez Mora.

It is recommended to visit Mao in two time,
- first the harbour, which is one of the beautiful natural harbour of the Mediterranean
- then the urban centre with the Santa Maria church, the bridge de Sant Roque or El Carmen Market.

Menorca museum

Museum that presents the human occupation of the island.
Plaza San Francisco de Mao
Schedules: Tuesday to Saturday 10h-14h 17h-20h Sundays 10h-14h

Fortaleza de la Mola

The fortress was constructed in the XIX century to protect the city.